To Err is Human

 We are nothing but a lump of clay. 
We are imperfect in many ways yet beautiful. 
Everyone has their own problems not only you. If you observe a little more, you will see that everyone wants someone beside them when they are sad, everyone just wants company, everyone needs answers, everyone is searching for the right thing, not only you.
We continue to do wrong, and judge, condemn, compare, be ignorant, be insensitive and lose ourselves along the way. We are only HUMAN and no doubt we all need help. Remind yourselves that no one is in control. We cannot control the circumstances that happens to us. Everyone has their own little cry in their hearts that needs to be mended.
We get hurt, we have broken families,  we all get lonely, we all have trouble letting go, we all go through SHIT. 
All of us go through all of this at some point in life. But is the answer to get all worked up over it? Be depressed? Get mad? Act as if everything is falling apart? Indeed no. I lost myself this week being overwhelmed by situations that are out of my control but still I pulled though although not in my best moment.

Try, being more sensitive towards your surroundings. Being sensitive helps you to be empathetic. Being empathetic helps you to understand and thus learn that sometimes, it is not all about you, it is not just you. 
(P.S: I am not referring to anyone if you are asking)

For me God has always met my needs when I am there for others. I do not have to worry.
He cares for you. He loves you. He will provide for you.
To err is human, to forgive is divine.


  1. =) don't know me and I also don't know you but I found your blog through Ruixi's blog...and its really cool so I decided to follow..:) about your post,It is my second time hearing the same message for today!
    and I somehow needed this :) Praise God :)

  2. I am glad my blog helped you. So you found me through through Ruixi i see. God Bless you.


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