Who I am

I am a boy, just living in Malaysia doing what he does best.
People say I am a "holy,holy" person because I do not drink, smoke, get drunk or be crude and all. Wrong. Not doing all those things does not make me holy. No one is holy. It is just that I do not get involve with these activities because the consequences can be heavy. I am just an ordinary human with an ordinary life.
Nothing hard to get.
I am indeed blessed with a good life but that does not make me free from problems.
I may seem calm in hard times that is because I know what matters most.
I may seem to worry less because if i spent today worrying about tomorrow I cannot give my best for today for tomorrow's worry are meant for tomorrow.
I  know what I am doing in life that is because I know what I want to be.( begging the question)
I am just imperfect as everyone of you. I am just as a hypocrite as everyone of you. I am just selfish as everyone of you. As humans, I also like to indulge with myself, my feelings, my anger, my happiness, etc.
As a human I tend to be unfair. I will not succumb to societal expectations.
Reminder that the person who hurts you the most is usually the person closest to you. That is because you expect so much from them and tend to forget, they are just humans.
There's no such thing as perfect people, there's no such thing as a perfect life.
So I come as I am, broken and scared and be changed by a Perfect God
With God by my side, He helps me change. He makes me different with the intention to be more like Him.

I am Who I am. A man with a mission in life. Just like everyone else....


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