Wallet Lost and Found

Before I begin, lets just say I had the best Deepavali ever!!! All Thanks to Sasi. So As you have read the headlines...I lost my wallet for a moment.Yeap
So I was on my way to my University which is HELP. After hanging out with my friends for about one and a half hours I noticed my pocket was flat. I was like " Oh My GOSH!!!! I lost my wallet!!!" I searched high and low , up and down, everywhere and concluded it fell somewhere. Last move is to call my brother. The whole time I was telling God " What you want to teach me? What is this? Ok ok I'll praise you in the storm no matter what." So I kept praising God. Then God gave me peace and I was calm. I was reminded that we should rejoice in all circumstances in the Bible. I said to myself " Ok God whatever it is, You are in control.". So i called my bro.
Me: Ko, I lost my wallet
Bro: Oh My Gosh........
Blah blah blah....concluded that a police report is needed to be made.
He came with his wife, i told him to go to the bus station making an assumption that i left my wallet in the bus. We drove there and went to the headquarters
The next conversation are actually in Bahasa Malaysia
Me: Sir, have you seen a wallet white in colour anywhere around in the bus?
Bus Driver: Ask the drivers around
Me: Er,... The bus driver is not here
BD: Oh you mean the fat one with a cap?
Me: yeah yeah!
BD: He is not here yet...you hold on ya?
Just as he said that, 5 seconds later the bus came. I ran towards it and waited for him to come out.
Me: Sir did you see any wallet in your bus earlier?
BD: What colour is it?
Me: White
BD: You serious?!?!
Me: Serious?!?!?!
So we went searching in the bus and my sister-in-law went to the place I sat and GUESS WHAT.....
The Wallet was there~!!!! Untouched, everything was still in it! Praise the Lord. Woohoooo! Miracle. The whole time no one took it. Filled with joy I rejoiced hahah.
Lost and Found, my wallet......


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