
 So today the moment i woke up everyone was gone. Who do I stay with? My brother, sister-in-law, and her brother. So I figured one went to work while the newly weds went shopping or something. So i waited and waited doing my term paper. Morning went to afternoon, then evening.
Called my mum several times saying that "koko"( brother) is not home.
So 11pm my mum told me to call him and this was how the conversation went.

Phone dialing ...toot toot toot toot toot toot...why isn't he picking?
Brother: Hello?( In a tired sleepy voice)
Me: Ko...Where are you?
Brother: Er Penang.
Me: Oh ya ya you were saying about going to Penang (sweat sweat sweat I had no idea at all? never tell me.....)
Brother: Ya.
Me: Ok bye
Hangs up.

My face.....imagine the face ( You're dead to me) and then =.=lll ultimate sweat,.
for those who do not know where or what Penang is...Penang is a state in Malaysia.


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