Difference in ‘Not being serious’ and ‘playing around’ in a relationship

When I say relationship, It applies specifically for couple relations. Ever heard of finding “ THE ONE”  and marrying the one? Having one girl and one girl forever? Well this is not so common now in this era.            
What kind of relationships you get today? You hook up and break up again and again. One of the good examples is the drama series of Gossip Girl. Yeah the story line is so cliché and gets boring eventually. They actors in the drama hooks up and breaks up with each and every person in it. Go figure.
So what is the difference? Lets start with playing around....Before I continue, let me just say that this is based on my personal views. Playing around in a relationship. To me it states that one person is just desperate for a relationship. Not ready to commit but just want someone to be with them. They succumb to the norms of society. "It is cool to be in a relationship so i find one". It states that I just want to have someone to like but I will never marry that person. To me, if you are not to marry why get together in the first place? What is the point if you are going to do nothing with the relationship?
Well for not being serious, it goes like this. You really like the person. You are attracted to their weird features. Be it their laughter, the way the walk, the way they talk, the way they look , or even when they shout. When you meet you get that special connection, that vibe. But.....yup but.....but miss lorna is behind me talking to miss ida so I cant think straight unless they get away from me. Still behind me.....please I cant help but eavesdrop....Ok Ok so where were we? Oh but. But you do not dare to go that far with that certain person because it is too soon to tell whether he/she will be the person you'll spend the rest of your life with. So you go slow with the person and make it as steady as possible.
It has always been a conflict between finding The One or getting girlfriends and get experience and know which girls fits you best. It is an idea that you have to figure out yourself. Neither are wrong. My preference is....The One.

As i will always say. Talking too long would make someone bored so I'll stop. Chaoz.


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