Acting is a daily routine

                When a person says the word "act", the first thing that comes to mind is talent to enter showbiz and being an actor. That is just the surface of it.
              What acting really means. It means not being true, not showing yourself fully, being someone else, nothing genuine. is just an 'act'. We do act everyday. We probably do it so often we do not notice it. It is become a part of our style. It is nothing that bad. It is being human.
We act as if that person is a nice guy but actually he is not. We act as if the teacher is good in what he/she does but actually your do not like the teachers methods. We act as if everything is fine and fantastic but truth be told, it is all falling apart inside of us. We act as if we do not like that person but in fact, she is the love of your life.
                More often than not, we do it so well we are able to fool those around us. Sometimes even fool ourselves. We rationalize and lie to ourselves that what we do(act) is true.Indeed honesty is the best policy. Be true to yourselves and to others. Let them see the true you and only then will they appreciate you for who you really are. I stress again and again that humans are not perfect, we change in time. If you think you are not as good as you need to be, seek help.
           This is what you get if you see acting in depth. Acting technically also means, tricking and fooling a person. It is like saying " I acted as if I liked something" is the same as " I tricked you, actually I do not like that certain something" or " You've been actually fooled for truthfully, I do not like it".
That is all for not chaoz...


  1. human know how to protect themself, one of the way is ACTING. In reality, show your truth character to strangers is dangerous and unsecure. That why sometimes we act.

  2. True. But this is specifically for friends. See the examples of " acting " I gave. Nothing in relations with strangers.


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