Why Gossiping is BAD

I am afraid that almost all of us are guilty of this "offense". When people hear the word gossip, it usually goes along with girls. But the fact is, guys gossip too. I am so sorry if I even gossiped. I feel really bad gossiping.

Gossip is not helpful at all. Gossip actually serves to break the trust of those the people around you. Talking about someone is fine, but when you talk on topics that ruins ones reputation, then that is bad. Will you like it if someone is talking behind your back? NO! But yet we do it. I fall short of this gossiping and I am guilty of it. Every time when I notice I gossip, I'll just say to myself " STOP! STOP!" It destroys ones credibility towards you.
Gossip is also like judging. I mean, who are we to judge? We are all humans. We are all sinners. We are all not perfect.God is in charge of judging people. Think. Think all of you. When you gossip, the implications. What it does to the victim. Imagine if you were him. How bad does it feel? Really bad right? I feel real bad.
If you want to gossip, try make some encouraging statements to defend the other person.
Do not participate in a gossip if you do not want people to gossip about you.
Friends stop me if I ever gossip. I'll stop you if you do too. One of my principles in life was to be honest and that principle of mine was one of the things I admired. Now it has been compromised. I am just an imperfect human that also needs help, I believe in time I'll be better. We always find ways to improve ourselves.
I could always write a long essay on this but I bet you'll get bored.


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