Relationships are worth restoring

Just to be clear, when I said relationships I did not limit myself to just boyfriend/girlfriend but to every kind of possible relationships in this world.
Relationships are always worth restoring. They are what matters most in life. Relationship with God,friends, siblings, with your boss, parents, soul mate, wife, children, etc. They build bridges between each other. If your live as a hermit, live within the shadows, think your are better off alone, then you wont grow. We can only grow in a community where we learn from our mistakes, humble ourselves,....wait getting off point here. Life is all about love. Love is the most powerful thing. We should learn how to love.
For me, I would like to be in the ministry of restoring relationships. For those who do not know what ministry means, it means some kind of governing body or main focus in a job. For this case, governing body for restoring relationships.
They are worth restoring because every relationship hold opportunities in greatness. So never burn those bridges. If you are having a grudge or having misunderstandings with someone currently, take the initiative to be the peacemaker. Everyone loves peace but can you be the peacemaker? Peacemaking is hard, that is why we need to learn to love others and relate to them. But remember, peacemaking does not mean avoiding conflict, runny away from a problem or pretending it doesn't exist.
Worth restoring cause they bare the possibilities in many things. Depends on what kind of relationships you have.


  1. Matthew 5:9
    Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.

  2. this is good stuff.i like the way you expressed what i always thought :D now i don't have to :D keep up the good reads ")


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