Woman's Intuition

So women would always say this.... woman's intuition. It is always woman's intuition. It is usually one of their reasons ( excuse ) to a situation.

Here are some answers from the net from other people:
1.is it like a girls, very own spider sense about stuff and how does it develop and what does it work on
2.Everyone has intuition which is your gut feeling. Its your subconscious trying to tell you something is right. Some people are more in tune with this then others. When they call it woman's intuition its usually because she has formed a bond with her child and she knows there's something wrong with her child or what her child needs. Woman are more in tune with there intuition then men are. That's another reason why they call it that.
3it's just a gut feeling we get about a person or a situation...alot of times we ignore it due to emotions(yes I know he is kinda of a loner who doesn't really want to be around people but he's so hot!) or as a result of being raised to ignore that feeling (here come sit in this strange man's lap that you don't know and take a picture...smile!)
4.It's a little voice inside your head that has answers to all of your questions and is right 99% percent of the times. at least mine is XD

There are more. But these are some of it. You know what I think? Woman's intuition is just the power of observation and feeling. True as some has said above. It is a ' Gut Feeling ', but a gut feeling is also something that you feel not know. So I think when women use this answer on me I'll think it as a reason, but not good enough ( sorry not to offend anyone ). Intuition takes in many criteria such as your conscience, observation, living skills, your naive-ness, how well you know people, how long have you been in this world that you know how it works, knowing the norms of society and vice versa, etc. And after all that, it is just an intuition...not a CONFIRMATION. Means you feel it but you are not sure whether it is the truth. Just a feel and never confirmed, until one confirms it.

Do you not agree with me? Am I wrong? Tell me if I am as this is based on my knowledge plus a little research. Or should I say, based on my intuition. Plus some of the explanations on woman's intuition describes a bond between a mother and her child.

Got to go. Chaaoozzz. 


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