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Time management is all you need for college. Right now I am so rushing for time. I do not think I will have time to even blog as often as I did before....Haiz....
So lately I haven't been updating my blog. I'll tell you why now. After my finals, I had to go to Penang, to visit my ill grandmother. My mother was pestering me and my brother to hurry back afraid she would not make it. My friends could see it in my face that I was troubled. So I did go to Penang with my friends on one Sunday morning. BTW, my grandmother suffered from cancer of the pancreas. Seeing my grandmother... I was in shock, she was so frail and thin. I ask her how was she and she replied " What do you think?" . I said " You look, very thin grandma" and she nodded. She was really weak. The next day she could not speak at all. She had no energy to open her eyes or even utter a word, just moan. My mother was taking care of her for the pass three weeks. I came and helped her out. My mum was teaching me how to take care of her and asked me to do it. Amazingly my grandmother was recovering. The next day she could talk. After that she could read the new...
Just to be clear, when I said relationships I did not limit myself to just boyfriend/girlfriend but to every kind of possible relationships in this world. Relationships are always worth restoring. They are what matters most in life. Relationship with God,friends, siblings, with your boss, parents, soul mate, wife, children, etc. They build bridges between each other. If your live as a hermit, live within the shadows, think your are better off alone, then you wont grow. We can only grow in a community where we learn from our mistakes, humble ourselves,....wait getting off point here. Life is all about love. Love is the most powerful thing. We should learn how to love . For me, I would like to be in the ministry of restoring relationships. For those who do not know what ministry means, it means some kind of governing body or main focus in a job. For this case, governing body for restoring relationships. They are worth restoring because every relationship hold opportunities in greatness...
This topic was sparked by an individual who claimed that if salvation is the prize and it is by believing in Christ, then there is no need to run that race marked out for us. Because salvation is the prize and he has already obtained it. So running the race for the prize depends on what is the prize and how one defines salvation. It is in my deep conviction to say that salvation is not and will never be the prize. Why? Because salvation is a gift. A prize is something you win, something you earn. You can never earn your salvation. There is no human possible way to earn salvation. The only thing that made salvation necessary is the sin. Our sin. Our sin that made salvation necessary. Romans said Christ died while we were still sinners. In Ephesians it was pointed out that we were dead in our transgressions but because of God's great love and mercy he sent his son to die for us. The Bible clearly states that salvation was never the prize. Again and again I would go. Reminded o...
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