He Bang you?

It is amazing how being in college life... there is so many things to blog about. But the lack of time seems to be my problem right now.

TODAY...It is a funny story.
So my friends and I were having lunch at a mamak stall. We were eating and chatting. This is the funny part in one of the conversations...

Girl: Today har, he bang me very hard!( pointing at the boy beside me)
Boy: Yeah ( I think he agreed )
Then there was a awkward silence. We were trying to internalize and digest what we just heard. So I asked.
Me: He bang you very hard?
Girl: Yar!
The group broke into laughter. It seems almost impossible for "that" to happen and for her to tell us that " something" happened. It had to be something else, just that the structure of words were....how do we put it....Inappropriate.
Boy: Eh? No No No it is not like that.
Girl notices and started laughing hard too.
Girl: No the table where you have to flip to sit. it flipped to the other side and hit my head real hard while I was doing my work.

Guess what?.....Yeah we were still laughing....

True story it was a little longer of laughing and a little bit of us saying ' What?!?!?!", " huh???" in between but hey, this is the main story.


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