College LiFe

The hard part has yet to come.

So, college life...ah, you youngsters( younger than me) would surely like to know how I feel, my point of view regarding this matter. 

Everything is different. People change. They tell me " I use to be introvert not as noisy as I am now", or " I am not smart, seriously!" ( But she got a scholarship). Classes are different from school. People are more open. They are easier to communicate with. 

Basically, for me, everything I say or do in class seems to be funny. The irony is that, I had no intentions to make them laugh. But yeah it is fun.
 There is a girl who is always blur like constantly saying..." Whaaaaat????"
There is a girl who is so bored cause she lives in the HELP residency that she plays facebook everyday.
People that are high( excited), People that are cocky, People that are friendly, funny, all sorts\
Girls that hit me with no apparent reason, Guys that say the will suffer in calculus class but finish their homework first. Lecturers that are open. That is college life.. It is different. 

Wanna hear something AWESOME???... I'll tell you anyway. OK, So last week a friend of mine ask me to write a song for the victims in Japan. I was like " yeah sure why not". Then the next day I asked another friend in the HELP Foundation March intake 2011 group chat box in facebook. " Do you want to duet with me for this Japan song?".....And it all began. One started saying I can play the piano,I play the violin, I sing, I do the drums, I can play guitar, and through that , a music team was formed. Some call it a glee club. Basically, the music club was not recruiting, so we form our own with our first big project which is to write a song for the victims in Japan. In one day, a music group was formed among people we barely know. A good way to connect.

Anyways, this is just the beginning, that is why i said the hard part has yet to come. I'll one day post about the hard part for college.


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