Why should we live?

People think it is an easy question...Never bothered to think about it. But when they are cornered, they seem to be blank without an answer. They think and think and come up with an answer that is only in theory.


We were made to live for God. God created us to worship Him. I bet you, non-believers would agree. The "WORLD" gives an answer that is unsatisfying and meaningless. " We live to work have a family and then just die", " we live to enjoy life", " we live in this world with a responsibility to take care of it". Work? Enjoy? 

They are so caught up in the busyness of the world. Yup. The No.1 strategy of the devil to distract us from God. Live, get more money, be famous, etc. Everyday you eat, work/study, sleep and the cycle goes on. Be successful...Hey is that success? What is the point if you earn and be rich if a billion is not enough? 
Bruno Mars " I wanna be a billionaire so freakin' bad" I guess once he is, the next song will be " I wanna be a thrillionaire'. 

God created us not to be satisfied with the world. We will never be satisfied with the world cause He wants us to be satisfied only by Him. He created us to have eternal longings, to think eternally, that is why we want to live long,find ways to be immortal. Hey go to Heaven then.

I said in my earlier blogs that live is a temporary assignment, a test, and also a race. It is a test to prepare us when we go to Heaven.  This life is the test! Yeah , now you know. What are you doing in your life now!? Is it meaningful? Do you think and feel it is right? or the " world " says so and you just follow the crowd? Try seeking the truth for once.
God created us to worship Him. No human on earth will understand his substantial love for us. But yes, He loves you so much that He gave His only Son Jesus Christ to Die on the cross to take all your sins away. Be the sacrificial lamb.

What is so sad is that so little people believe in Him and many takes the other road and makes His sacrifice in vain. I have no intention of offending anyone but this is the truth.

Okay a blog that is too long can be boring, so I shall stop.
Peace you all. ^.^V


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