Who is God?

Who is GOD?

Eventually everyone needs to ask themselves that question. Eventually everyone will face this question whether asked by someone of just thought of it. Remember when I said in my " SPM results " post that " each and everyone of you is beautiful, gifted , and talented in their own way"? Well everyone being different, they will have different perceptions on who God is or can be. Everyone provides a different angle. To be honest... I think it would be fun to listen to their perceptions( not that i have).

GOD is ______?

God is? What do you think? God can be good, strong, almighty, faithful, some may even say bad. Every angle you can put it. To me God is everything good. Simple as that. Though the answer may not seem so...so...KABOOM, but it is the truth. He is everything good. True? Look around you...I mean seriously look.... Look at the trees, look at how complex god created the Human body, seeing the birds fly and the fish swim( not getting dramatic here) you see God's glory. When you see all this, you cannot deny there is no God.

GOD is so real and He is there. But we are so caught up with this world we never pay attention.
Who do you think God is to you?


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