SPM results

Tomorrow is the day. On 23rd of March 2011 will be the day all 18 year old and future 18 year old students get their SPM results.... Well most... There are a number that home school and prepare for their SATs so they do not take SPM( In my opinion...that is cool). How are you guys and gals feeling? Scared? Nervous? Do you feel chilly in your spine?

I for one feel fine. Cause results aren't everything. Seriously. Life is not about this although education is important. I tried what I could for SPM and now I'll leave the rest to the Lord.

Those out there worried... Let me remind you that it is no use worrying. We did what we could. If you get good results, congratulations but it is just a test. Bad results does not mean failure, it means you just did not do well. There is a time and a way for everything even in times of trouble. Do not feel like you are not worth it or that you suck. Each and everyone of you is gifted, talented and beautiful in their own way.

Good Luck all in tomorrows battle.


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