Being a Christian Teenager or a young adult.

Well. Let's start with a bible verse 1 Timothy 4:12 " Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity."

Teenagers and young adults... Whatever happens in life, know that God comes first. People may ridicule you, mock you, call you old fashion etc. Life circumstances may cause you to stumble, but remember with God's love, you will never stumble. Life is constantly a test. everything you do , what you say, you hold accountable to God. Sorry I made it sound a little scary for you all. Or did I? XD

Anyways, the best thing we are reminded as Christians is that we are weak and we need to depend on the Lord everytime. For his grace is sufficient for us and that in our weakness his power is made perfect. Being a Christian is not hard, it is just that in this era, we will sometimes have to stand out of the crowd and say  "NO" where in this era....isn't that likable.

Our lives must be pleasing unto the Lord. Not my will but His will be done. Be assured that the Lord knows what is best for you. When life seems hard, or when troubles come, try asking Him " Lord, what do you want me to learn in all this?" Remember the bible says there is a time and way for everything, even in times of trouble. Fall back onto the Lord and ask Him for help. In the Book of Nehemiah it says the joy of the Lord is my strength. Remember that as well. In the gospel Matthew, it says never worry. Worry is a sin. Cause worrying is a sign we are not depending on the Lord. But hey I get it we are all still humans. Imperfect humans, but we grow in Christ. Amen? ( i'll imagine you'll say amen with me XP).

Be patient. And wait on Him. Ask the Lord for wisdom and faith everyday. He will guide you when you call one the Father of Abraham, Isaac , and Jacob.
I could go on much longer...but a long blog would be bored don't you agree? C ya.


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