Women please HELP men.

Before I began, I wanna say I mean not to offend the entire female race.

Lets start with me saying " WOMEN! Please help the men!". What I mean is this. Ok, women, they get aroused by touch and mostly words. Yeah by words. When a guy is able to sweet talk or to say words that provide women the necessary security, they get aroused. Words like " I will be there for you"," I'll never leave you", " I'll love you all my life...watch me"; and more. These are just the examples.

But men...We get aroused with our eyes. Our lustful eyes. Yes, I admit that men's weaknesses are women. And you know what I mean by weakness.

Our eyes are the window to our minds and soul. What I am asking for women to do is to dress decently. Dress appropriately, not showing too much skin. I do not mean cover yourself with a jacket... I mean not showing stuffs that can get men drooling like a dog. Probably too harsh on the men but it is true. 

I tell you this...I truly admire a girl who can dress properly and not being " eye popping ". I really admire a girl with a proper dress code. I respect them. Truly. That is why women sometimes get raped, or sexually abused because certain women temp them. Really, I mean not to offend anyone but this era, the world is so corrupted.

Learn to say " NO " every time a guy ask you to dress sexy and revealing. Have that dignity and respect for your body.

So as my final say, women dress properly. In that way you help the men. My next topic would be on " VIrGINITY" so be make sure to stick around. The post would ether be up on Monday or Tuesday.


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