
Well I have been having too much that I kinda lost track on my blog. Actually I really have nothing to write about but let me leave with with this at least...

I ain't gonna leave my blog.

Seriously Erm let me just show you my future plans ( besides being a 17 year old that plans for his future family)

  1. Write songs
  2. write my brother's wedding song
  3. cover songs
  4. write more songs
  5. study psychology
  6. and the rest we'll see
Seriously a life with just music is definitely boring. Next year Christmas I am going to produce a short clip about my mum from the future talking with my mum in the present or something like that. Cool huh. My channel aint just songs it is also comedy( just started)

I want to write a Christmas song!
I think I am wasting my time here. sorry guys for wasting yours as well.


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