Fighting the fight

As you all friends, followers, and blogwalkers should know, I am having my public exams and I am persevering. I have no time to post anything on interesting topics or current events ( that I rarely do ). The irony is I am writing about this. Yeah, I am fighting the fight. I am left with two more papers which I fear....Chemistry and Biology. I ain't no science person. I am more on the hands on, entertainer, cheerful person.
I am writing this just to give you guys an update. Once I am finish with this "war"... I'll be right back on typing. Just you wait.
A friend once told me, " Eddryll, you have the gift of cheering people up " and I said, " I am grateful for that gift ". Friends would always mistake my calmness during the exam for being confident and that I have studied. Well newsflash guys and gals, I haven't studied it all but I did do my best. I tried what I can and I'll give it my best shot for the exams. I have peace with me that is why I am so darn calm.

Final words( doesn't mean I am dying )
Eddryll: What ever results I get, good or bad, I know I'll do great in life.

Yeah, an original. Should be applicable to everyone XD. It is just a test a freaking test.


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