Children These Days.

Why? The question why is the key word in this topic. I hear, children watching blue film, Retaliating, rebelling, scolding vulgar words and all sorts of actions that are abhorrent. What is the parts of a child's education that had gone wrong? Why are they like this?
So much so that even teachers can't control them? Those days, students had to respect the teachers even though they are angry with them. Now, teachers have to earn the respect of the students. Do not give excuses that the teachers technique is wrong or they are not carrying out assertive discipline. Bull ****!
I hear from my mum about these primary children being...sorry to say, ass holes. I was thinking to myself why? It is always why. Why must they be like that? What good does it do. Obviously nothing at all. It is plainly speaking, pathetic.I was thinking, If I am a good person, a good boy, a good child, a good student...How much difference can I make if I am only one out of every hundred? Lucky for me, I believe i can. But for those out there, they begin to doubt.
The acts of these children these days marks the ebb of civilization. Its true and you cannot deny it. I'm sure you all can see that the end of the world is obviously near. Duh. Wonder if this is part of it. When you think of it....Ain't it sad to see children so corrupted itself. Children, who were suppose to be untainted, naive, and young becoming malicious and malevolent. The future is definitely gone in their hands.


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