Teachers Birthday

Wow either you will be grateful or bored that I am so regular on my blog. XP.

So today we celebrated our math teacher Pn. Lim Lay Yuen's birthday. Well It was really fun. But lets diverge from the story a little for a moment. So morning, we had two periods of PJ....Awesome. Ok back to the story again XD. We made her a bouquet of roses...oh did I say roses? I meant, PAPER ROSES of different colours and paper lollipops around it. Yeah I know, I am the " SIFU " for the rose thingy. I thought them how to make....well that is enough of me. Lets get back to the story. So preparing preparing...ordered pizza....Shift tables....teacher walks in. A sketch was in session. A short story on her life, where this time the female actor was a guy. He wore a skirt. Funny. A really hilarious sketch.

Then presents were given, a big birthday card, special homecooked food made for teacher by Ying Jie. No pictures to post yet. but there were tons. Will post on my next post hehehe.

Then I sang, " When you say nothing at all ". It all went smoothly till...I went to a falsetto which I suddenly could not reach.=.= But It was my favourite part. T.T but hey, the song touched the teacher's heart. Made her tear up. XD she said she and her husband love the song.

Picture time. really took a lot of pictures. Some rate 18 some ....well you'll find out.

Had fun, body aches, so freaking tired, nice time. Everything was fun. What a day begin the holidays~!


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