
Well today you are going to hear a simple theory on racism from a 17 year old "soon to be in one more month" student on racism.
Racism is certainly something really unpleasant that hurts not only you but the whole community. It is seriously a poison which people use although they know the outcome would be bad all because they were mad.

Here is another thing. I think racism exist only in a small fraction in my country. But everyone of us feel it making us uneasy. And " racism " mostly come from political minds. Political minds do not need to come from government servants. Anybody can be political minded. College students, some old farmer who reads newspaper or an old grandfather who watches the news daily without missing a thing.

Er and somehow when one race brings up a sensitive issue, we somehow( We as in the whole nation) gets entangled in it. And the issues influence many people creating hate in the atmosphere. Why must the word 'racist' exist??? Dude! think of the future and act wisely. Living in harmony...blah blah I am sure you have heard of it....Hey! Then keep them in your heart and soul that we should learn to love one another and live peacefully with tolerance.

>.< and I think there are some points that i forgot....oh well. till next time XD.


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