Well...Liverpool was once known as the giants of the premier league. Now, it has sunken to the bottom half of the charts. They were once feared, and Manchester United would always get nervous when going against them. What went wrong?
Well my theory is, that Almost the whole front line of Liverpool football players has been changed. So some do not know each other well, and most do not know how the others play. Tactics, styles, strategies. Each player knows how to play well but together, they don't mash up like do need to. So they need to play together more often.

The morale booster in the team is definitely Gerrard Steven. The legendary midfielder. Specialty, score from a far range. Has A killer shot and can defend well as well. He has great stamina to run the whole field and is the heartbeat of the club.

This is just one bad season for them. But I am sure they'll be back on their feet strong and tough as ever once they get the team to be one.


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