Hard People!!!

Ok so logically, it seems the exclamation sign ' ! ' can attract readers. Ok my topic today is, people.

Throughout my life, I had seen, talked, walked, and experience many kinds of people. The kind, the hardy, to polite, the selfish, the fun, the sad, the sanguine, the choleric,the melancholy, phlegmatic, and so much more.
I came to a conclusion...that so far...for me...the hardest person to be around with are these kind of people...er...They are hard hearted, egoistic , arrogant , sensitive and temperamental.

Why? Hard hearted person is a stubborn person. He closes himself and confines only to himself. He does not listen. So it is hard to get through him. Not only hard...He does not want to be get through. Egoistic. A deadly killer personality. It takes a lot of humility to admit that he is wrong and that is a person I salute. But a bruised ego...If one cannot take it, he becomes offended and thus the " sensitive " part of him appears. Showing a sad look, throwing tantrums all sorts you can think of.

And arrogance compliments the man's ego. Because of his bruised ego, he becomes defensive and offensive protecting himself, refusing to admit and creating a thousand and one answers to get back at you. Arrogance. Showing that you are better than others. You rationalize and make yourself think you are correct.
From being offensive and defensive, the persons temper will flare. He is never patient and he shall cause the argument.

So readers...agree on me with this? The downfall of being this is that, you'll become inconsiderate and selfish in the sense, you think only for yourself and not others. People will think you are proud although maybe you are not. The fact is, you are not aware that you are proud. You become judgemental and critical and think you always have the answers.

So this is to me the hardest person to be around with. C ya (^.~) V.


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