Friends, ah one of the essentials in life. Sayings from the movies like " Friends help friends make their dreams come true " , or " True friends stick with you till the end ". Well friends make up of many aspects. It is usually rare to find a holistic friend. A perfect one. Each and everyone has a weakness in friendship but usually they always have more to contribute.
Why I am sharing with you this? Well first of all, I am a very blessed guy. Though I may live my life as a normal kid, I always take it I am ten times more blessed than the person around me. As a Christian, I hold on to these words which are " Depend on the Lord totally ", " The joy of the Lord is my strength " , and " The Lord is my Jehova Jireh my provider ". Well there are more but I think this is my top 3.
One of my blessing are having great friends around me. I truly have friends where you can depend on. Friends who give advice, constructive criticism , tells you to smile, and so much more. Lately I have given thought to it and my observation proves I have great friends in life. One of the reasons( just one ) that I have them is because I am a friend to them as well. I make them feel appreciated and I am honest with them. Side track here a little, " honesty is the best policy ". I ain't gonna explain the meaning here but, trust me....It is so freaking true.
Back to the topic which is ending =.= well when you are honest and you open up to someone, it shows a sense of respect for them and in return, they'll be honest to you also. But hey be wise, honesty does not mean telling your friend that their acting is atrocious or their dancing is like a stiff tree. We need to be wise in certain situations where we have to save their pride as well.


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