Mass Media

Well of course Television, radio , computer , I-touch? All have upgraded our lives immensely. But like two sides of a coin, the mass media brings its own sauce into the world. The sauce that taste good but having too much can make you sick. You need to eat at the right time, when and where.Well recently I have observed the shows on television and seriously...I am so against what they teach.

So...for instances, this show...Well I am a big fan of this show. SERIOUS! But one particular episode i watched last week made me...Kinda mad I guess? The episode was on " Open Marriage " I was like..." What The Fried Chicken?! " ...Their lines " I love my husband but we have open marriage ". Making the world think that it is Okay to have one. For those who do not know, it means married but CHEATING IN FRONT OF your spouse. Openly without secrets and you can have one husband, many boyfriends or vice versa.NO! It is wrong! A marriage is suppose to be a holy covenant between two people of the opposite sex. It states that " I love You and You satisfy me " It means you only need one person in your life and you love him/her and nobody else! marriage marriage marriage! HOw the media distort its meaning.

I know I'll get haters for this...But another on is twilight movie : ECLIPSE...

Well, at one scene..Taylor Lautner ( jacob) Told Bella that it is not wrong to love two person. Hey?! Can you hear yourself? What the heck is he saying? I mean huh? I have lost the words for this! It feels like not sincere, cheating, having divided love (when love is suppose to be undivided)...All that and out in the open. You want two people but do they want to share? It is not justified.How can one love two person? All...or nothing at all.

Now the world is compromising everything making it "Okay"...Compromise this and that which are wrong and humans...they rationalize thinking it is okay too. The world is doing it so I'll just go with the flow. BULL***T. This is reality...wake up.


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