YOuth Camp

Well lets see. Our youth camp was at this house... And Lets summarize it first...It was a blast. To have fellowship with friends. We learned a lot on not being 'Lost' and being God's success story. So our camp was as this house as I was saying. A beautiful two story house, very clean.
On the first day, we came at 2.30. Er later that day was treasure hunt. I was appointed as the leader...But we did not win the hunt, the other group did which was fine, it was fun running all around the Hutan Rekreasi. Then came back and mandi and makan. Then we came to the most dreadful part for the youth but somewhat my favorite part. Learning how to make a rose. Well my favorite cause I was teaching them, hehehehe. It was hard but had fun cause the end results was worth it. Hello, it is a rose... So then we slept before that I ahd a jaming session with my friend eric disturbing everyone else till 12 am. I found out the next morning that only three people managed to get some rest while others where turning their bodies trying to get a perfect position to sleep till morning. So Steward cooked for us, tuna, salmon, eggs, sausages, and so on. Then first session on youth camp.
When for badminton later on and found out that we left our roses back at the house ( guess the rest). We finally managed to get it back. Fun time but my body till aches. Then second session after having our dinner. I lead the worship session. It went well but my plectrum( the thing I use to strum the guitar) broke. A very good session when pastor shared and taught us. Had a lot of fun. The utmost. Unforgettable. Memorable. Meaningful. Actually there is more to say but sorry my hands still ached cause the next day I had dance practice ad at night had to choreograph a dance for the Scouts Camp Fire. It was all worth the pain in my butt XD. Best holidays to spend with friends ever. Well one of my best.


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