
Well I do not know myself fully but one thing for sure is that I love performing... Performing in any way, singing, dancing , acting , joking , entertainment in almost every section.
Just last Saturday I sang an ORIGINAL song for my grandmother called my precious.Well It went quite well except I forgot the lyrics in one part. Ah I felt the joy in singing.
Today I participated in HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL MY SCHOOL ROCKS 2010 from Disney Channel and WOOOO had a lot of fun. We dance great though at one part my timing was off...Sorry Guyz...and Gals....But all in all WOOOHOO! So we did good but did not win cause there was another team that did....AWE..wait for it...wait for it...AWESOME!
They were from an arts school called SENI MALAYSIA i think. I was like duh sure they would win...They are somewhat, professionals. Not only that... Three teams in their school took part and they took the second and first place...Go figure. It seemed that the previous winner was also from that same school...No Duh =.=. But hey it is fine cause I did not join to win. I join to HAVE FUN!
I was nervous the whole day heart beat racing " THUMP THUMP DUB DUB DUB DUB DUB DUB" But when I went on stage it was like " COME ON!!! BRING IT!!! LETS DO IT!!!!" It was fun. Then Cheering for my team. Shouting, screaming, you name any kind of ways of shouting...We all had it. Like GBS GO!!!
What team? GBS! What team? GBS! What team? GBS! ...GBS! Get your head in the Game!
SO that is it. Though I have so much to write I have so many homework to complete...Cya chao....


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