Haha actually nothing is wrong. That headline is too attract readers..Gotcha. well What can I say today. Today I skipped school ( cause I am sick) duh and I am barely studying chemistry and the exam is tomorrow. Exams....Why? It stresses me out hearing that word. It is like a nightmare but we really experience it.
Ok Ok that is not the real topic. Just want to give a statement ( not true or false, just yours and mine). It is not true when people say, "ah she is ugly", "he is fat" , and what not. It is wrong! you're wrong! Hey I used the headlines after all. Anyway... It goes with the saying " One mans meat is another mans poison". This particular girl may look less attractive to you but in the eyes of another boy...sorry man( I'm still a teenager forgive me if I use wrong terms), they look hot like chili peppers under the Sun. Same goes with boys. And usually looks do not really help in the end. Looks are like a starting point for everybody, a head start. A cherry on top of a chocolate cake if you want to put it that way.
Because, in the end, it all comes to traits, personalities, and a little talent. Whether it is the talent to sing, dance, act, talk, advice, jumping off buildings like the Parkour sport, and much much more. Cause even if you are a pretty face, if you are a crappy, rude , little fellow, who would want you? I believe everyone is handsome and special, because they have someone special installed for them already.
And for Christians...Believe in the power of prayer. One of our jobs as Christians is to depend on the Lord our God. Have faith in whatever you do. I for one have the assurance in God that he will help me in everything.( providing you intentions are good and please try not to rationalize)
That's it for now. PEACE OUT! Oh And I promise to 'TRY' to put pictures in next time. Cause , who wants to read all the time???


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