Worst day Of 2010 ( so far)

Oh as you may know previously I blogged about me getting the last Percy Jackson book. And you all would be expecting me to tell you right now that I bought the book when my school and a 'lawatan sambil belajar, sambil shopping' to Sunway. You might think I would be jumping for joy, hugging around. Ha....Ha Ha Ha....Haaaaaa
Quite the contrary. First on our way to Sunway, the bus broke down...Had to wait at Alor Gajah for another bus to pick us up. "Well fine" I thought mistakes happen. So I tolerated. The we went to Sunway University and we were way back schedule and we could not do much there. Yippie! Another plan looking forward to that went 'KABULNKKK!'. Again I said it was fine because all I was or can look forward to is buying the Percy Jackson last book 'Last Olympian' in Sunway. So when the visiting was over it was what the girls would say "SHOPPING!". Ha......Ha Ha Ha...HAAAA!
Went to Popular, ask the facilitators there where is the book, Got it, called my friends to come see. (Here is my biggest mistake that man it makes me so annoyed in rage!) I took the book, I saw the wrapping was not so nice so i took another one. Guessed what?! I took the fourth one 'Battle of the Labyrinth'. It looked so alike that I did not notice. I went running to play snooker after that. Bump into Steward who was my one and only saver for the day. He ask whether he could see the book but I was so impatient and so in the rush that I thought well he could see it later. If he had saw the book he would notice the " FATAL" mistake that I made.So after playing snooker it was 3.45 pm. we had to meet at 4.00 pm. So we rushed. My friend and I wanted to get some food so we started searching and I led them to the wrong place, again and again. " Yeah you were expecting that(something bad to happen)". Well in the end I had to admit I was kinda lost. We ran until we went outside to a seven eleven.
Guess again...Another thing happened. Went to seven eleven bought slurpee and took in too much that it kinda exploded. But nothing big, just a little extra on my hand and on the cap of the cup with SLURPEEE which I just had to lick it off. Ran 3/4 around Sunway just to reach the bus. Went up the stairway of the bus and was told to get off. ( NO DRINKING THAT IN MY BUS!). " No Duh =.=". Had brain freeze because We ewre in a haste to finish that darn slurpee that was suppose to make me feel yipppeeeee but made me feel oweeee in my cerebrum(part of the brain). So on our way back. I tore the wrappings on the book and started reading. As I started the first page I said " huh, how come...why is it... is this a joke?". Its the words Of the fourth book! So I turned to see the cover of the book.
Honestly...Truly...At that moment I felt like i wanted somebody to shoot me in the head point blank. I felt so despondent, so helpless, like all hope is gone. Ok...ALL HADES BROKE LOOSE IN THE BUS.For some who does not know, HAdes Is that God of the Underworld (Its a myth, no biggy). I was shouting " WALAOWEH x3 CRAP, SHIT CRAP SHIT CRAP SHIT, MANGKUK AYUN!" I got the wrong Book!!!!!!????. My Money!?...The whole bus was looking at me asking what had happened. Some laughed at my careless mistakes, some smiled, some was shock as me with their jaws openned, some just could not help. Honestly if they ask me how they can help me I would tell them this..." Yes! yes you can help me, YOU can squeeze my head in a VASE until my brains come gushing out and tell me WHY on God's earth did I Took the wrong book!!!!". How could I have missed it?! It was the book I have been waiting for more than a week! Why mother nature wants this book to be unread by me?! So found a solution that was not sure proof but I tried trading the book with a friend who has the last olympian with mine for good.But all he could say was he'll try to negotiate.
Seriously a bad day cause after that, My friend tried giving me music therapy which went Ok but if he would have sung with me I would feel much better. Anyways another bus of our so called convoy broke down. Bus oil leaking inside the bus...dangerous. So they cramp into our bus which was fine just, uncomfortable and It is just something bad that happened to add into my list of bad things that happened today. So now all I can hope is that he makes the trade.....I Beg You please trade the book with me.....T.T
Ha.....Ha Ha Ha.....WAAAAA WAAAAAA.


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