Just Write What I am thinking..

Well It would seem that both melody and chlorophyll was a no go but i had fun...I truly did, though the videos and pictures are with my dad (so i can't post them here)
I am happy with my simple normal achievements.

After the audition, the next day had friends came over my house. Stayed for three days and yeah I kept them all under control(hehehe). But it was fun having company. Steward cooked spaghetti and it was good...Then at night had "Praise and Worship" took out my christian song sheets and started singing all together...Morning makan mamak.....Super makan At cafe...er I meant drink only XP.

Then we studied, mostly Sejarah, then go youtube find FOR ORIANTHI the guitarist singer girl and Paramore... And funny clips...Really really funny clips...
The hardest part of them living with me is waking up steward...He is like a wall. No matter what you do to him he will not wake up. Tidur mati de.

Now learning how to play Bella's Lullaby from twilight...Speaking of Twilight, My DVD is still with my friends! Haiz my prize.


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