
I was drinking peach juice, eating lamb chop around three pieces of them. I was strumming my guitar, singing and writing my song. I was singing in a garden with birds perching on my shoulder singing along. Suddenly the scene changes, I was running up a stage and I could hear people screaming my name. I was rockin' it and wow I had fun. The scene changes I was with a girl, well I did not see the face, the view i had from her was from her mouth to her feet. I was singing a love song to her.
Then I started to shake my head. I shake as I sang. As awkward as it seems I could see a smile on her face. Then my eyes opened....My mum wakes me up and says it is time for school..
And I was like.....A dreammmmmmm.....Oh well guess I'd better go brush my teeth and bath.


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