
We'll for sure singing is definitely not my thing...Trust me it never was... For those of you who disagree...Let me put it this way, I love to sing but my voice is just an average voice. Not a voice that will have fans not a voice that will have people wanting to sign me. But for sure I love to sing no matter what. That is what I have been telling everybody, no matter how bad you are it does not matter, if u love to sing, well then sing. One things for sure that I will always write and compose songs. Maybe that will be my part time job.

I have no ambition, so once I find my job I'll write songs and compose them as part time job, maybe find an agent who can get connections and see which artist would want my song. Hopefully an agent whose connection will not go only as far just Malaysia but the whole world. To bad I am only limited to malay songs and english. I'll try chinese maybe by only providing the melody. Ah a step closer to what I think I wanna be. Now my main job....Who knows....Comment on it to give your ideas.
And please don't say comedian or a DJ I want a proper stable job.


  1. i have listened to ur song ..
    u know, i like de melody..
    dun left ur song untitled..

  2. I know the singing was bad....I think I want to re-do the video because i was unprepared last time. Er yeah i also like the melody XD


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