
In this world nobody was born perfect( except Jesus)... When we grow, we change and choices are made. Every choice counts even the little little ones like choosing to drink either coffee or Milo. Little actions also determine who we are or will be. Nobody is perfect but we strive for perfection. We want everything right. Its nothing wrong but it is all vanity. Knowing that no one is prefect, you still search for the implausible person or thing.
What we need while we are on this earth is wisdom. The wisdom to differentiate between good and bad. The wisdom to choose the right things. The wisdom to speak properly. The wisdom to think. For what I think, when there is a problem, i do make sure that I hear the story from both sides before I decide or say anything. I also make sure what I say is never offending or hurtful. Actions do speak louder than words. Whatever we do will determine us.


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