Waiting through my eyes (The truth revealed)

I suck at it Yes waiting. Not quite what you expected as a first line huh. Let's chat. Waiting on the Lord has always been an ongoing lesson for me. Year after year one of the main themes I feel God called me to learn was learning to wait/slow down. Not just on him but in many other aspects. Each year with a different context and reason. But the message was always the same. I was somehow impatient or I needed to slow down. And at the end of each year I would go "lord I think I get it now". I was far from the truth. And I am grateful learning that harsh truth was out of grace and humility . God provided me the platform to fail to see and His grace has always been sufficient for me nonetheless. Now slowly I am starting to see how I am rushing through things. My mind races so fast with a jillion thoughts coming in through and my processor is overworked. On the outside I may portray a more calm demeanor, but on the inside not so and even I am unawar...