The One Year Mark

There is much to give thanks for. Truly I thought the post was specifically on me being a lecturer and how God has worked through it. But there is a bigger picture to it. One may list down all the achievements and how God has brought them to much greater heights. This is not the type of thanksgiving kind of post. Well let me show you what I mean. (Oh and feel free to stop reading if this was not what you expect it to be) Whatever has happened be it good or bad let me just say all glory to God nonetheless. Blessed is the Lord who giveth and taketh away (Job1:21) . So what has this one year taught me? 1. For this one year I realized how much more of a sinner I am. Now now, I am not beating myself up. It is just a reality of mine. That in many things I can't seem to do things right. I mean if perfection is the idea then I am failing like nobody's business. But glad that it creates an allowance for the gospel to reign in my heart even more. Make it more of a reality. Ke...