Character Formation? Not an easy subject.

I think it is a normal conception to think a subject such as character formation that has no academic bearing over their course would be an easy subject to teach. Depends on how you see it. If I were to go there and do my academic requirement and teach I guess it would be easy. I just do what is required of me. Whether you pay attention or not doesn't matter. At the end of the day I am still getting paid. But what if I did not see it that way? What if I saw this subject as a privilege to impact students? (In which I do). It then becomes a whole new thing. Teaching the subject becomes a ministry and a mission. It is tough. I have my challenges. Do not call it easy. Raaawwwrrr Every time I walk in. What goes through my mind is whether I would inspire them today. Will I cause them to think of something new. Is it possible to come to the position of humility in which we all see the reality of who we are? Will I offer something new for them? I constantly ask God for wis...