Cleaning the schools of the Flood areas.

The recent floods in Malaysia were one of the worse I have seen. But seeing it on the news and papers is truly different than being there yourself. So about a week ago, a team from HELP was sent to help clean up the schools in the flood affected areas. Honestly, we did not know what we were expecting. What we did know was that, help is needed and at that current moments there were needs that needed to be placed first before ours. We were sent to Kota Bharu. The place was somewhat already functioning normally though you can see the after effects of the floods. We did pass by other areas that were badly affected. Mud covering schools that were high, roads destroyed and collapsed, houses brought down to their foundations(if they were lucky), rubbish everywhere. What was once useful materials and aesthetics were now dumped in a corner. I have no proper pictures of the destruction. However I have happier pics for you to see =) this is the S.K Panembang. We managed to clean it on ti...